Get to know us

Youth Arts Forum is a not-for-profit 501c3 charity organization founded in 2000 by Barry Salottolo. Youth Arts Forum was founded as an alternative to the decline of the more formal school art and music programs that were being eliminated at the time, and continue to be eliminated in even greater numbers today. Youth Arts Forum provides talented young artists and performers with a healthy and engaging outlet that allows them to express their creativity in art and musical performances. We at Youth Arts Forum truly believe that this program provides the vehicle to “unite the youth of the world through the arts” Youth Arts Forum supports our visual and performing artists to help them express themselves, enhance their self esteem, and keep their very real and personal dreams alive. For the visual artist, Youth Arts Forum distributes arts supplies to those who may not be able to afford them. YAF collects and frames for display much of the artwork received from its members. The organization has supported numerous gallery shows that were designed to professionally display and support the young artists from the local areas and from across the country. Several of these shows were held in the prestigious NOHO Art Gallery on Mercer Street in New York City. The artwork is also displayed in dozens of schools, businesses and local galleries in New York and Connecticut. For the performing artist, Youth Arts Forum has held many concerts in New York City at the iconic Bitter End in Greenwich Village, our New York City “home”, as well as in New Jersey, Vermont, Connecticut and at 32 Simon Malls Throughout the East Coast. Several recent concerts were held at the Studio at Webster Hall. YAF pays for the venues, marketing, production, public relations, as well as local and regional advertising. Today we donate art and music supplies to underfunded schools in Connecticut and New York. This unique and exciting arrangement affords the young artists’ a national and international venue that is exclusively dedicated to the Young Artist and his or her work. Youth Arts Forum is accepting donations to help fund concerts, artist sponsorships and productions, framing and displays, as well as all expenses that are associated with supporting and producing the talents of the young artist. Please click the donate button if you would like to make a donation.
Barry Salottolo Founder
Norwalk Connecticut Headquarters

Uniting youth through art and music programs worldwide.
© 2024. All rights reserved.